Order terms by creation date

If you want to achieve that, then you need to add creation_date for each taxonomy, hooked with ‘create_category’ (or create_YOURTAXONOMYNAME) function.

lets say,for example, you add a new category :

add_action( "create_category", 'my_func123', 10, 2 ); 
function my_func123( $term_id, $tt_id){
    update_option('my_taxnm_date_'.$term_id, time());

then later, anytime, you will be able to get the creation date for each taxonomy id:

foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
   $termsArray[]['Name'] = $term->name;
   $termsArray[]['Date'] = get_option('my_taxnm_date_'.  $term->term_id) ;

now, you just have to sort the array, like: ksort($termsArray[]); and then you will have sorted array.