Video slideshow

Just got this working adding a text metabox for the youtube id. Then added this lines before the link in the slider just below the opening tag: <?php if ( get_post_meta( get_the_id(), ‘video’, true) != ” ) { $video= get_post_meta( get_the_id(), ‘video’, true); ?> Here goes the embed code but we replace with <?php echo … Read more

Comment form – different title if no comment yet

Use get_comments_number() to get … well … the number of comments. In your theme’s comments.php you can use its return value to do something: $num = (int) get_comments_number(); if ( 0 === $num ) echo ‘Be the first! But please don’t write just “First!”’; elseif ( 100 < $num ) echo ‘Yeah, add some noise. … Read more

Where these arguments are defined?

You should look on ow WordPress Plugin Api works. When you add a filter, the function that hook into that filter receive the argument from the function: apply_filters. This function pass at least one argument, but can pass more, and always aspect a value returned. So if you can write add_filter( ‘walker_nav_menu_start_el’, ‘description_in_nav_el’, 10, 4 … Read more

a lot of errors with feedwordpress

after more than 12 hours working, searching & testing the problem is feedwordpress not working with php 5.4 i upgraded my php in the last few days hope this help people who have the same issue sorry if i don’t give alot of information in my question