Where does the gallery shortcode gets its attachments from?

This completely depends on how your gallery shortcode looks like. If you replaced it with something custom, then you’ll have to take a look at the plugin (or the theme). The default gallery shortcode gets it from a query: $query_args = array( ‘post_status’ => ‘inherit’ ,’post_type’ => ‘attachment’ ,’post_mime_type’ => ‘image’ ,’order’ => $order ,’orderby’ … Read more

Removing Super Cache Plugin

Don’t attempt to clean it, deactivate supercache, then manually remove the entire .htaccess file, delete it. Finally, go to your permalinks page, and re-save your settings. One of two things will happen: WordPress will regenerate your htaccess WordPress will hand you some new rules

Return Page/Post ID’s of Child WP_Nav_Menu items

Hook int ‘wp_nav_menu_objects’. You get a list (an array) of all found menu items as an array. Each item is an object, and each one has a property named ID. That’s the ID of the original object if it was a post object. In your filter callback just iterate over these items, collect the IDs … Read more