So I was able to figure this out myself with the help of a great friend and php developer. I apologize some of the functionality i.e. CUSTOM::slugify()
is custom but if necessary you can review my Div Starter theme to learn more about it.
add_action( 'init', 'cc_rewrite_add_rewrites' );
function cc_rewrite_add_rewrites() {
$specialties = get_specialties(); //Fetches an array of postmeta defined from an ACF repeater field
add_rewrite_rule( "^(" . implode("|", array_map(function($a) { return strtolower(CUSTOM::slugify($a)); }, $specialties) ) . ")/?", 'index.php', 'top' );
// check path for specialty loop through specialties
foreach($specialties as $specialty) {
$slug = CUSTOM::slugify($specialty); // I needed to convert to a slug, custom function in Div Starter
if (preg_match("/\/" . strtolower($slug) ."(\/|$)/i", strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) )) {
// set session variable
$_SESSION['specialty'] = $specialty;
I noticed my pagination was using this new permalink structure and breaking it so I was able to hook into it and remove the addition like this:
add_filter( 'get_pagenum_link', 'wpse_cc_pagenum_link' );
function wpse_cc_pagenum_link( $link ){
return $url = str_replace( "".CUSTOM::slugify($_SESSION['specialty']), '', $link );
For more information about customizing your permalinks this guide was really helpful