Class property seems to lose scope, attached to save_post action?

$metabox is not in the global scope, that is why your two functions is not working. If you turn debug on you will get a a lot of debugging notice error messages regarding the use of $metabox. Simply doing the following

$metabox = new Metabox;

doesn’t make a variable global. It need to be defined as a global. But before you go on and do this, take into consideration that it is recommended to stay out of the global scope, specially with an easy-to-recreate variable like $metabox.

Just think about this, you have two plugins using the same variable $metabox. This works great. Now, you define $metabox as a global in your theme. This changes the values for all instances of $metabox which leads to your plugins using wrong data and failing in what it should do.


Create yourself a “global function” which you can reuse, something like

function metabox_global_function()
    $metabox = new Metabox;
    return $metabox;

Then you can use metabox_global_function(); anywhere in any function.