Possible?? Pull Plugin Property Data to a Theme’s Custom Post Type

I’m putting this in as an “answer” just to give you pointers on where to start. Once you have specific questions concerning code you’ll probably want to ask new questions.

First, I’d create a child theme. (Look on Google, there are tons of examples/tutorials on how to do that.)

In your child theme, create template files for the relevant custom post type. (I’d copy the archive.php and single.php files from your parent theme into your child theme, then edit the filenames.) Typically these would be named archive-CUSTOM_POST_TYPE_NAME.php and single-CUSTOM_POST_TYPE_NAME.php.

On those two template files you should be able to reference/display the custom fields created by the plugin using get_post_meta().

If all works as expected, voila and hooray! But there may be challenges depending on how the plugin is written and how it stores the information, so be sure to check back with the plugin creator and us before it drives you crazy. 🙂