Bad Request 400… jQuery ajax post of json data to wordpress admin-ajax.php

To elaborate on my comments, your issue is here:

contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
data: JSON.stringify({
    action: 'cdnjs_add_library',
    library: library

When sending data to admin-ajax.php you need to set the action property of data to the action name, eg. cdnjs_add_library. That’s not what you’re doing here. data is not an object with an action property, as is expected, it’s a string containing JSON that happens to include an action property. These are not the same thing.

In the source of admin-ajax.php you’ll see this:

$action = $_REQUEST['action'];

If you post JSON to admin-ajax.php $_REQUEST will not have an action property, for reasons I explain here. This means that your action will not be fired and your PHP code will not run.

The solution is to remove contentType and pass the data like so:

data: {
    action: 'cdnjs_add_library',
    library: library

Your cdnjs_add_library_callback() function will then need to set $libary like this:

$library = $_POST['library'];