Redirect to “Thank you” page after register new user on custom register form

OK, so it’s clear that the redirection won’t work in this case. You can’t output any HTML before sending headers, and redirection sends a header.

The easiest (but bad) solution is to move you PHP code to the top of that page template:

    /* Template Name: Register Page */


    global $wpdb, $PasswordHash, $current_user, $user_ID;

    if(isset($_POST['task']) && $_POST['task'] == 'register' ) {


    wp_head(); the_post();
  <div class="half-d" id="account-log">

        <form method="post">


You also have to die the script after doing redirection.

But… This isn’t very good way to do this. You should not process any forms directly in templates – templates are for displaying site and not for processing any data and any logic.

Much nicer way would be to send that form to wp_admin_url('admin-post.php)' and processing it using [admin_post_(action)`]1.