Relationship between custom post type and page/single templates

Have you looked into using custom taxonomies for your custom post type? I assume your custom post is called Movies. You could then create taxonomies containing the information required. i.e. genre, age rating, etc.

Here’s a good explaination, have a look over it and see if it suits your requirements:

A quick guide to creating custom taxonomies in wordpress

Also, I hate to be that person, but if you google something along the lines of “wordpress custom post type movies” you will find that movies are a commonly used example in how to tutorials. It might give you some ideas on how to proceed.

Update, I forgot to add info on the download option you asked about. You can a add a custom meta box to your custom post type (there are other tutorials out there along similar lines)

Attaching Files To Your Posts Using WordPress Custom Meta Boxes
If that’s too tricky there are also plugin options.