write custom woocommerce templates and forms

To answer your second question you’ll have to properly enqueue the Bootstrap 4 styles and scripts: Including CSS & JavaScript | Theme Development

From there you either have to add existing WooCommerce classes to your BootStrap CSS or add BootStrap classes to your WooCommerce templates (preferred/recommended).

As for the templates, it really depends on which template you’re building and what you’re attempting to achieve. The actions and filters in the default WooCommerce templates are there for a reason, so it’s best to determine what they do and if you need them (you probably do)… …a lot of this also depends on what the starting point is. Each theme’s templates are structured different, so this is a very vague question in that regard. My recommendation would be to copy over an existing template into your mytheme/woocommerce/ and then start modifying from there. Perhaps start testing it out by simply adding BootStrap 4 classes?