Right way to display the_author_meta fields?

I would actually load them into an array:

$author_contact = array(
   'email'      => get_the_author_meta( 'email' ), 
   'telephone'  => get_the_author_meta( 'telephone' ),
   'twitter'    => get_the_author_meta( 'twitter' ),

Once you have that created, you can iterate through it using a foreach() loop:

<ul class="author-contact">
foreach( $author_contact as $contact => $address ) {
   if( isset( $contact ) ) {
      echo '<li class="contact">' . $address . '</li>';

What this code will do is go through all of those get_author_meta() values and store them in a single array. Then it will loop through them as the pair $contact & $address. So say it was email and the author’s address was [email protected]. $contact would be email and $adress would be [email protected].

Then it will test to see if there is a value given. So if this particular author does not have their telephone number or a Twitter address entered in, then the key would have null value. isset() will check to see if there is a value and if so, create the list item. If the value is null then it will simply skip that and move to the next key in the array.