Ok. I resolved it in this way. Let’s say that we have a CSS-file rtl.css, which contains rules for right-to-left content direction.
Add menu items: Appearance->Menus->Select a menu to edit->Edit menus->Custom links.
- URL – ?language=rlt (or something like this), Link text – RTL (for example)
- URL – ?language=ltr, Link text – LTR
Create a plugin:
add_action('init', 'get_check');
function get_check(){
if(!session_id()) {
if($_GET['language'] == 'rtl'){
wp_enqueue_style( 'tmpl_rtl_css', get_template_directory_uri().'/rtl.css',array('tmpl_dir_css') );
if($_GET['language'] == 'ltr'){
session_destroy ();
There need checking, but solution is something like this.