Run two wordpress on the same domain

Ok, you have two db’s here, which is how it must be. One for your production site and one for your test site. You will probably copy between db’s from time to time. I do that a lot between my production site and my test site which is on my computer locally. There are a couple of ways to change URL’s, and this will be an issue if you copy between db’s. I personally use a plugin called “Velvet Blues Update URL’s”. you can download it here

On your test site, as I believe that is where you have your problem, open the plugin. You will see two input field, “New URL” and “Old URL”. Enter your production site’s URL in the old field like this

In the new field, add the URL of your test field, like this

Now select all options under those two fields and click “Update URL’s”. After this, update your permalinks.

Hope this is what you were looking for. This will also work vise versa if you need to do this for production site