Search Everything & WP 3.7 update issues [closed]

Thanks to @Pat J i removed the syntax that was causing me problems. For those who are interested, inside the Search Everything plugin, on line 198 – 221 there is the following function:

    function se_search_default() {

    global $wpdb;

    $n = ( isset( $this->query_instance->query_vars['exact'] ) && $this->query_instance->query_vars['exact'] ) ? '' : '%';
    $terms = $this->se_get_search_terms();

    // if it's not a sentance add other terms

    //$search .= '(';
    foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
        $search .= $seperator;

        $search .= sprintf( "((%s.post_title LIKE '%s%s%s') OR (%s.post_content LIKE '%s%s%s'))", $wpdb->posts, $n, $term, $n, $wpdb->posts, $n, $term, $n );

        $seperator=" AND ";
    //$search .= ')';
    return $search;

If you are using the Search Everything plugin on WP 3.7, you will need to edit this function accordingly, or differently if you know better. ( I am merely a beginner ). Many thanks!!