Show post thumbnail only if it exists using timthumb

As commented above, you don’t have to use TimThumb at all to get additional image sizes for your uploaded images.

WordPress ships with the add_image_size() function.

// functions.php
add_action('init', 'wpse26655_add_additional_image_sizes');
function wpse26655_add_additional_image_sizes() {
    add_image_size('thumb200x120', 200, 120, true);

In your template files, you could than query your thumbnail with your desired image size. E.g.

// single.php / loop-content.php

$thumbId = get_post_thumbnail_id();

if($thumbId) :
    $thumbSrc =  wp_get_attachment_image_src($thumbId , 'thumb200x120');
    $thumbUrl = $thumbSrc[0];
    $thumbWidth = $thumbSrc[1];
    $thumbHeight = $thumbSrc[2];

<div class="post-thumbnail">
    <img src="<?php echo $thumbUrl; ?>" width="<?php echo $thumbWidth; ?>" height="<?php echo $thumbHeight; ?>" />

<?php endif; ?>


The additional images sizes are generated on image upload. If you want new sizes for existing images inside your medialibray, you have to recreate all thumbnail images. A very good plugin for this purpose is Regenerate Thumbnails.