Simple page URL rewrite with add_rewrite_rule()

The second argument of add_rewrite_rule is not a path, it the query string you want WordPress executes. This should work for (change page_id with ID of your page):

add_rewrite_rule('thepage/', 'index.php?page_id=12');

or with page slug:

add_rewrite_rule('thepage/', 'index.php?pagename=thepage');

As you have WordPress in a subdirectory and you want to rip out the directoy name, you have to properly cofigure WordPress in sudirectory.

If you want all WordPress URLs in the format and only rip out “sub-folder” for “thepage” you have to configure the rewrite rule in the .htaccess file on the root directory, not in WordPress:

RewriteRule ^thepage(/)?$ sub-folder/index.php?page_id=12 [L]