Single.php Category Post Count


So, this is a two part question, part #1:

What I would like to do is count the number of posts in a category and
use the next_post_link and previous_post_link link to navigate
through them, then display a count.

What I did to fix this issue was install the Smarter Navigation plugin

Then use the following for my Previous and Next Links:

next_post_smart("%link", "Next", TRUE);
previous_post_smart("%link", "Previous", TRUE);

The next part is a little bit more tricky…

Part #2:

So, if the post is the second one in the category the output would
look like (Post 2 of 20), if it were the third the output would look
like (Post 3 of 20), etc.

Now, to fix this one I used the following function:

  1. Display and get the post number (which is a tweaked version of what I found here):

    function Get_Post_Number($postID){
        $temp_query = $wp_query;
        $referrer_cat = get_referrer_category();
        $referrer_cat_id = ( is_object( $referrer_cat ) ) ? $referrer_cat->term_id : false;
        $postNumberQuery = new WP_Query('cat=".$referrer_cat_id."&orderby=date&posts_per_page=-1');
        $counter = 1;
        $postCount = 0;
        if($postNumberQuery->have_posts()) : while ($postNumberQuery->have_posts()) : $postNumberQuery->the_post();
            if ($postID == get_the_ID()) {
                $postCount = $counter;
            } else {
            endwhile; endif;
        $wp_query = $temp_query;
        return $postCount;

Basically the differences is…

  1. I get my two referrer variables from the Smarter Navigation plugin: referrer_cat and referrer_cat_id and add them to my function (Lines two and three of my function):

    $referrer_cat = get_referrer_category();
    $referrer_cat_id = ( is_object( $referrer_cat ) ) ? $referrer_cat->term_id : false;
  2. I query the current category from my referrer variable that I added to the function – look at the $postNumberQuery (fourth line town from the start of the function) at the start of new WP_Query I added 'cat=".$referrer_cat_id."&

So, now my final code goes from:


if ( have_posts() ) : 
    while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); 
        next_post_link('%link', 'Next', TRUE); 
        previous_post_link('%link', 'Previous', TRUE); 



To This:

    if ( have_posts() ) : 

        while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); 

            $referrer_cat = get_referrer_category();
            $referrer_cat_id = ( is_object( $referrer_cat ) ) ? $referrer_cat->term_id : false;

            next_post_smart("%link", "Next", TRUE);
            previous_post_smart("%link", "Previous", TRUE);



        $cat = get_category($referrer_cat);
        $count = $cat->count;
        $currentID = get_the_ID(); 
        $current = Get_Post_Number($currentID);

        printf(_( 'Post: %d of %d' ), $current, $count );


So, after adding a plugin and combining some code I have from a few places, I now have a nice piece of code that displays a Next and Previous link for posts that reside in multiple categories and I have the ability to display a post count and a total post count on single.php.

I hope this helps someone!