sort tags by tag ID in admin panel

Use orderby=id

You can simply sort the tags by term_id with the following GET request:


and similar for other taxonomies.

Why does this work?

The orderby parameter is read through:

if ( !empty( $_REQUEST['orderby'] ) )
    $args['orderby'] = trim( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['orderby'] ) );

in the WP_Terms_List_Table class and used as input argument in:

get_terms( $taxonomy, $args )

that is placed within the WP_Terms_List_Table::display_rows_or_placeholder() method.

This is how the orderby argument is handled in get_terms():

$_orderby = strtolower( $args['orderby'] );

if ( 'count' == $_orderby ) {
        $orderby = 'tt.count';
} elseif ( 'name' == $_orderby ) {
        $orderby = '';
} elseif ( 'slug' == $_orderby ) {
        $orderby = 't.slug';
} elseif ( 'include' == $_orderby && ! empty( $args['include'] ) ) {
        $include = implode( ',', array_map( 'absint', $args['include'] ) );
        $orderby = "FIELD( t.term_id, $include )";
} elseif ( 'term_group' == $_orderby ) {
        $orderby = 't.term_group';
} elseif ( 'description' == $_orderby ) {
        $orderby = 'tt.description';
} elseif ( 'none' == $_orderby ) {
    $orderby = '';
} elseif ( empty($_orderby) || 'id' == $_orderby ) {
        $orderby = 't.term_id';
} else {
    $orderby = '';

where we notice that the case with 'id' will be ordered by t.term_id, which is what we wanted.

Little puzzle

You might now think that using an empty orderby GET parameter, will also give the same ordering as 'id' because of this line:

} elseif ( empty($_orderby) || 'id' == $_orderby ) {

But that’s not the case with the GET request. The reason is this condition (mentioned above):

if ( !empty( $_REQUEST['orderby'] ) )
    $args['orderby'] = trim( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['orderby'] ) );

It will remove the empty orderby from the argument array and the default ordering in get_terms() will be used instead, i.e. ordering by name.