Structure and Display Content from Multiple Pages on Single Page

This is quite a vast question to answer, so I’m not going to go into depth, I’m just going to cover the essential points.

You’ll need to create a custom query to get all the data from your pages. Use WP_Query to create your custom query. Here is a basic query from the codex to get your pages


// The Query
$the_query = new WP_Query( 'posts_per_page=-1&post_type=page' );

// The Loop
if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
    echo '<ul>';
    while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {


    echo '</ul>';
} else {
    // no posts found
/* Restore original Post Data */


To display the title and post thumbnail, check the following links

You should work through one of the bundled themes to see how the loop is structured and how their HTML structure looks like

To order your pages, you should have a look at the orderby and order parameters in WP_Query that you can use to sort your pages by in your custom query

As for control over your HTML structure, you can use the page ID’s in your classes and ID’s and target and style them accordingly. Make use of the_ID to get the page ID inside the loop. Do something like this

<div id="whatever-<?php the_ID(); ?>">


<div class="whatever-<?php the_ID(); ?>">


If you are going to need that strict control over your HTML, then you are going to need to hard code page ID’s and HTML structure for each page. You can make use of conditional tags like is_page() for example

if( is_page( 'whatever' ) ) {

   //HTML Structure for page whatever

}elseif( is_page( 'whatever-1' ) ) {

   ////HTML Structure for page whatever-1
} //etc