If Loop has odd number of posts on last page Custom style for last post in it

You could do this much easier. As you are making a layout that can be achieved by floats, there is no need to declare a Row every second time.

In my Code example I just youse the $count to determine the Class of the HTML-Element. In combination with the total Number of Posts displayed.

If the total number of posts $wp_query->post_count is reached by the $count AND the total number is odd, I give the Element the Class fullwidth. In the same way, I determine if it is the first or the second (see the IF-Statement).

All I need to do afterwards is output the corresponding Class for each HTML-Element in the Loop. Besides the Class, no Element is diffferent from each other.

I use the Modulo Operator in PHP ( % ) to determine odd/even. It delivers 1 if I use $count % 2 and $count is odd. If you are not sure about this operator, read about it here.

So your code could look like this:

    $count = 0;
    if (have_posts()): while (have_posts()) : the_post();
        if ( ++$count == $wp_query->post_count && ( $wp_query->post_count % 2 ) == 1 ) {
            // if final count is reached AND final count is odd
            // full width item
            $postclass = "fullwidth";
            $opentag = '';
            $closingtag = '</div>';
        } else if ( ( $count % 2 ) == 1 ) {
            // if $count is odd it is the first item in a 'row'
            $postclass = "halfwidth first";
            $opentag = '<div class="home-ci-row">';
            $closingtag = '';
        } else {
            // second item in a row
            $postclass = "halfwidth second";
            $opentag = '';
            $closingtag = '</div>';
    <?php echo $opentag; ?>
    <div class="main-column-item-wrap <?php echo $postclass; ?>">
    CONTENT OF POST : Title, Thumbnail, Excerpt... etc
    </div><!-- main-column-item-wrap -->
    <?php echo $closingtag; ?>

<?php endwhile; endif; ?>

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