SymmetricDS in dev + prod workflow?

I have done SymmetricDS synchronization with various content management sites using the wildcard feature to pick up new tables created by custom components. For example, you can put a trigger on tables named ‘wp_*’ and it will sync any tables that match. You can read about Using Wildcards to Sync Tables for more detail.

In one setup, we used a staging site where the users made changes, and then the changes synced out to the production sites over night. We changed the push/pull jobs to be a cron expression that ran the jobs overnight, like this:*/60 * 1-3 * * *

In another setup, the users were editing content from different sites in production, but wanted the data replicated to all other sites. All the tables were in MySQL with primary keys based on auto increment. Rather than deal with conflicts when two users try to save a new article with the same next ID, we altered the auto increment on each site.

Site 1 could use IDs of 1, 101, 201, 301, and so on, like this:


Site 2 could use IDs of 2, 102, 202, 302, and so on, like this:


You can read about Options for Auto Increment in the MySQL manual.

Hope that helps.