Array offset error on type bool and null, due to admin-bar support added
Array offset error on type bool and null, due to admin-bar support added
Array offset error on type bool and null, due to admin-bar support added
How can I get the ID before after_setup_theme?
you can use the admin_enqueue_scripts hook to add support for the font sizes options to specific post types and page templates in the WordPress admin.
Add theme support for margin
First of all, I like to know that you are using a custom post type and in that you want to add featured image support, if yes then you need to write extra code in functions.php of theme. $post_type_name = new Cuztom_Post_Type( ‘your-custom-post-type’, array( ‘supports’ => array(‘thumbnail’) ));
First of all, don’t ask opinion based questions on StackOverflow. Secondly, try Googling for an answer You can try the WordPress Theme Customizer, check out the docs: WP Codex Here is what it looks like Basically you need to register Sections (stores a set of options). Then you need to register Settings (to store the … Read more
Ok. You are toggling your display according to a $_GET parameter that you have added to the URL– this switch in your archive.php $view = ‘poster’; $mode = stripslashes( $_GET[“afisare”] ); $modes = array(‘complex’, ‘simple’, ‘poster’); if(in_array($mode, $modes)) $view = $mode; get_template_part(‘persoane’, $view); You can alter how many posts will display but that is much … Read more
Those are name of callback function which would be enabled for custom header. For example: if custom_function is assigned to ‘wp-head-callback’ then, there would be an action call like: add_action(‘wp_head’,’custom_function’) custom_function is the function you need to define.
How to correctly add the featured immage (thumbnails) support in a WP theme? Why I can’t add a featured immage?
Add “post option” support parameter in custom post type using Hueman Theme?