Getting all custom post taxonomies and exhibiting only part of them

Ok, I managed to do it with get_the_taxonomies()Codex and unset() PHP Manual So, here is how the final code looks like: //define the arguments so the output will have the format I want $args = array( ‘template’ => __( ‘%s: %l.’ ), ‘term_template’ => ‘<a href=”$s”>%2$s</a>’, ); //get the array and store it $taxList = … Read more

Showing taxonomies with terms that are attached to custom post

Perhaps you can change the label of your taxonomy, as seen on the Function Reference Somewhere in your code, there must be something like register_taxonomy(“bikes”, “post”, [ // … ]); you can change it to register_taxonomy(“bikes”, “post”, [ “label” => “Bicycle” ]); PLEASE NOTE that this part is the definition of the taxonomy itself. Changing … Read more

Get a Taxonomy values in an array

You can retrieve a taxonomies terms with get_terms(). Via their docs: $terms = get_terms( array( ‘taxonomy’ => ‘product_cat’, ‘hide_empty’ => false, )); And it returns: (array|int|WP_Error) List of WP_Term instances and their children. Will return WP_Error, if any of $taxonomies do not exist. Which you can view by doing somthing like echo “<pre>”.print_r($terms,true).”</pre>”;