problem of path with xml file

You should be putting in the URL rather than a system path as the flash will requesting files via http. Say your site is on http://localhost/wordpress/ … Your URLs need to look like http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/themes/maVersion/audio/dance.mp3

Auto play audio using WP Maintenance Mode Plugin [closed]

A couple of things: First, this code has some syntax issues – the src attribute isn’t properly closed. Further, as noted by @Rup, autoplay should have a value of on: Broken tag: Fixed Second, I’m not 100% sure that WP Maintenance posts can process shortcodes. I would instead use a standard HTML Audio Tag.

How to disable “Audio Player” to show up on the main page

The simplest solution would be to put the audio player after the read-more link. If that would prove cumbersome (e.g. you’ve already got too may posts with audio players), you could try hooking into the the_content filter, and remove the audio player if not on a single-post view. e.g.: function mytheme_remove_audio_player_from_home( $content ) { // … Read more

Displaying cf post formats with oembed

<?php if (strstr($audio, ‘<iframe’)) { echo $audio; } else { echo wp_oembed_get( get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘_format_audio_embed’, true) ); } ?> Of course, this would require that you get the custom field with the audio embed code or url into $audio 🙂 Edit – try: <?php $audio = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘_format_audio_embed’, true); if (strstr($audio, ‘<iframe’)) { echo $audio; } … Read more