Removing website URL in comments causes misalignment of submit button and tickbox
Removing website URL in comments causes misalignment of submit button and tickbox
Removing website URL in comments causes misalignment of submit button and tickbox
It would be of advantage if you post code to your problem. A concrete line of CSS with some context of the current Blocks in place? First, you have to check which CSS is responsible for the look. You wrote child-theme TwentyTwentyFour but Third-Party-Plugins? After that it is just a matter of specificity of the … Read more
How to delete widget in WordPress?
It’s not clear if you’re trying to load these files on frontend or backend. For the backend I usually do this: define(‘MY_PLUGIN_DIR_URL’, plugin_dir_url(__FILE__)); //LOAD ADMIN/BACKEND CSS STYLES add_action(‘admin_enqueue_scripts’, ‘my_plugin_enqueue_style_and_scripts’, 99); function my_plugin_enqueue_style_and_scripts() { $timestamp = time(); wp_enqueue_style(‘my-plugin-backend’, MY_PLUGIN_DIR_URL.’/css/style.css’, false, $timestamp, ‘all’); wp_enqueue_script( ‘my-plugin-backend’, MY_PLUGIN_DIR_URL.’/js/script.js’, array( ‘signature’ ), $timestamp, true ); } You doesn’t need to … Read more
CSS METHOD To hide with CSS this should do the trick for you. Add the following to the theme’s or child theme’s style.css, or to the Customizer’s CSS section: { display: none; } What we’re doing here is targeting the product archive template file that WooCommerce uses to dynamically create that page. By … Read more
According to the documentation on Style Variations, it would not appear so. The intent of Style Variations is to be “skins” for your theme and site, rather than for individual pages. However, CSS can be used to apply different styles to specific pages: the <body> tag of each page has classes that can be used … Read more
The block editor is a hideous abortion but it’s here to stay. Your only recourse if you don’t like the way it operates is to use a plugin that replaces it altogether. Attempting to manually edit the mess it generates will break things. Attempting to manually write HTML outside of an HTML block will break … Read more
Can nobody help here? Or is the question not understandable? I’ve already tried clamp and min/max, but can’t find a solution.
You can use the register_form hook. Add this to your functions.php: <?php add_action( ‘register_form’, ‘custom_css_register_form’ ); function custom_css_register_form() { ?> <style> #reg_passmail { color: white !important; } </style> <?php } ?>
Gutenberg inline style messing up the navigation when I add a list to a page