Display Custom Taxonomy Dropdown posts

I cant see where in the code you want to have a taxonomy drop-down, and also what you want to do with this drop down. That also depends what values you want to use as option values. But generally you can use wp_dropdown_categories to create a custom taxonomy drop-down. wp_dropdown_categories( array( ‘show_option_all’ => ‘Show all … Read more

There is no any line related the error but it says critical error

You could try the following wp-config.php setup – note WP writes to the file wp-content/debug.log – this config also stops any errors from being rendered to the browser. Note that setting the constant WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER to true enables you to disabled the default WP error screen. // Disable display of errors and warnings @ini_set(‘display_errors’,0); define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, … Read more