Editing wordpress dashboard

What exactly do you mean by editing? I hope not modifying WP core files, which is considered bad practice and incompatible with updates? Administration menus are considered to be some of the most nasty parts of code in WP and are hard to deal with. For some top level overview see Administration Menus in Codex, … Read more

Show custom messages on dashboard menu page

There is number of hooks dedicated for displaying admin notices in admin-header.php: if ( is_network_admin() ) do_action(‘network_admin_notices’); elseif ( is_user_admin() ) do_action(‘user_admin_notices’); else do_action(‘admin_notices’); do_action(‘all_admin_notices’); Codex has basic example, but admin markup is not very stable so you might need to research native notices in current version to properly replicate it.

Jetpack Connection Broken [closed]

Oops. OK, I figured it out. I’ll blame it on UX: there is a button on Jetpack’s very ornate admin page which allows you to connect and disconnect from WordPress.com. But the button is very closely matched to the colour of the background, and the microcopy is a little confusing. But I’ll cop to a … Read more

Dashboard Menu settings

Try this code: add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘custom_menu_page’); function custom_menu_page(){ add_menu_page( ‘Pages’, ‘Pages’, ‘manage_options’, ‘Pages’, ‘page_callback_function’, ‘dashicons-media-spreadsheet’, 26 ); add_submenu_page( ‘Pages’, ‘All Pages’, ‘All Pages’, ‘manage_options’, ‘all-pages-list’, ‘subpage_callback_function’ ); }

Create 3 buttons for new post for a different category

it’s not possible since new post not set to category. except, you need to create new post first assigned with selected category. so just create function that create new post on button click. the problem is you will find many empty post if user play with that link to create dashboard widget you can check … Read more