How to check whether functions is deprecated or not?

If you want to develop a plugin or theme, you need a set of development toolkit. Use the Developer plugin to install debug bar and debug monitor. Those will tell you which function is deprecated if yes. Moreover, when you develop plugin. You should read the document of WordPress and whatever plugin you are going … Read more

True or False: Is an Apache error or PHP error the same as a WordPress error?

WordPress errors are application level errors. PHP errors are language syntax or usage errors and appach error are errors detected during the web server operation. Errors, especially minor ones, might be reported “upwards” and look like they are wordpress application errors, or logged downwards and be part of the apache server error log if the … Read more

WordPress White Screen Error

What causes this? It may be a line ending problem. In *nix, the line ending is a single new line character. In windows it is a carriage return character followed by a new line character. Unicode encoded files can also affect line endings. Check your text editor documentation. There should be a way to convert … Read more

TGM plugin error in Theme Check Plugin

Concerning your question: Can my theme be submitted for approval with these errors? I’m assuming you’re asking whether your plugin, while throwing an error upon activation using TGM library, can still be submitted and accepted to official WordPress repository. My answer would be, no, it cannot. It seems like you made your plugin work once … Read more

debug notice on my WordPress site [closed]

In your config.php check for define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true ); define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false ); If its true, you will see notices and warnings on site. This link might be useful Also check this error by logging in and logging out. If you are using any plugin for debugging, you will see that notice message when … Read more