Extract images from .swf viewer?

Best way is to put the .swf file in a decompiler for image extraction. Decompilers are smart enough to extract images for you and arrange them. JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler is a more popular one http://www.free-decompiler.com/flash/You can extract other useful content from it as well. Just download the .swf file from the website

I need an XPATH to extract data from www.gsmarena.com

I am doing a research about how mobile phones evolved over years so I need to create a database with specifications of as many phones is possible. I am trying to scrap data from GSM Arena website. Example page: http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_note7-8082.php I am using XPATH that contains the label that precedes each value, example //tr[contains (.,”Sensors”)]/td[2] But there … Read more