Call a Simple JQuery from within Flash

Use AS3’s ExternalInterface to call JavaScript functions from within Flash applications. import flash.external.ExternalInterface; if (ExternalInterface.available)“myJavascriptFunction”, param1, param2);

How can I show a .swf file?

The below link would help in placing the swf file in your home page You could mention the path as /wp-content/uploads/your.swf or you could use wp_upload_dir(); References :

Video shortcode outside WordPress not working with IE and mediaelement’s Flash fallback

I figured out the issue. I’m leaving the answer for future reference. Turns out IE needs you to include all the HTML tags for the video to load correctly when using flash. This is my working code now: <?php define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false); require(‘../wp-load.php’); echo ‘<!doctype html>’; echo ‘<html>’; echo ‘<head>’; echo ‘<meta charset=”utf-8″>’; echo ‘<title></title>’; echo … Read more

Is there existing plugins to “Click-to-Launch” embedded Flash / SWF content?

You can use something like this: Embed this script: Then in your functions.js (function($) { $(document).ready(function (){ $(“.flash”).click(function(e) { $(this).parent().empty().flash({ src: $(this).attr(‘href’) }); e.preventDefault(); }); }); })(jQuery); Your markup would be something like: <div class=”flash-container”> <a href=””><img src=”placeholder.jpg”></a> </div> For more info check i hope this makes some sense 🙂 Btw: this isn’t … Read more

changes after I save a post

I would handle this with a shortcode myself. Something like this in your functions.php: function wpa_85620_calculator_shortcode( $atts ) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( ‘key’ => ‘wr4nht4qbp’, ‘width’ => 800, ‘height’ => 800 ), $atts ) ); return sprintf( ‘<object data=”” width=”%d” height=”%d”></object>’, $key, $width, $height ); } add_shortcode( ‘calculator’, ‘wpa_85620_calculator_shortcode’ ); In your post/page: [calculator] or … Read more

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