How to anchor to embed video

Editing the raw HTML isn’t going to work, a worst case scenario is it fails block validation when reopened in the editor and your edits get replaced automatically. Instead, use the anchor box under the advanced panel. Since the HTML of an embed usually comes from a 3rd party via OEmbed, you can wrap the … Read more

WordPress: embedding last posted video

This should work, even outside of the loop: $latestPost = get_posts(‘numberposts=1&category=YOUR_CATEGORY_ID’); The WordPress function get_posts sorts by post date, newest-to-oldest by default, so you’d get the newest post in whatever category you choose. Also, even though you are only requesting one post, the response will still be an array: echo $latestPost[0]->post_content; Edit: Since the video … Read more

Do_Shortcode not working for Embed any tweet

Answer <?php /** * Shortcode look like this. * [tweet url=””] Twitter [/tweet] */ add_shortcode ( “tweet” , “ease_button” ); function ease_button( $atts, $content ) { extract(shortcode_atts( array( “url” => false, ), $atts )); $url = ( $atts[‘url’] ) ? $atts[‘url’] : ‘#’; return sprintf( ‘<a href=””> %s </a>’,$url, $content ); } ?>