WordPress and simple forums
Have you beta-tested the bbPress Plugin? It should meet most of these needs.
Have you beta-tested the bbPress Plugin? It should meet most of these needs.
[Edit – My original answer will only work in the upcoming BP 1.6] Versions of BuddyPress from 1.6 onwards function bbg_change_group_default_extension( $default ) { return ‘forum’; } add_filter( ‘bp_groups_default_extension’, ‘bbg_change_group_default_extension’ ); Versions of BuddyPress prior to 1.6 For the moment, you’ll have to use something like the following, which is a modified version of bp_core_new_nav_default() … Read more
Your friend is a diva. WordPress started as a blog platform, but now it has grown beyond that and is encroaching on becoming a mid-tier content management system out of the box. If you like it and it is easy for you, use it. It seems to match up with what you are trying to … Read more
You can easily create private forums with the Simple:Press forum plugin. http://simple-press.com/ It can do a LOT more than just that, and for that reason might be overkill (not sure what other requirements you have), but if you are looking for a very flexible and powerful forum system, then I can recommend Simple:Press.
When we post an empty anonymous reply, we get the following errors: The part of BBPress that’s responsible for handling this, is the bbp_new_reply_handler() function, in the file /bbpress/includes/replies/functions.php. It contains these lines that are of interest to us: // User is anonymous if ( bbp_is_anonymous() ) { // Filter anonymous data $anonymous_data = bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data(); … Read more
Templatic has one called Q&A WordPress. Here is the demo.
The string is now in bbpress/includes/common/template-tags.php. Hook into bbp_no_breadcrumb, register a filter for gettext and change the text: add_filter( ‘bbp_no_breadcrumb’, ‘wpse_44597_change_home_text’ ); function wpse_44597_change_home_text( $translated, $original=””, $domain = ” ) { if ( ‘bbp_no_breadcrumb’ === current_filter() ) { add_filter( ‘gettext’, __FUNCTION__, 10, 3 ); return FALSE; } if ( ‘Home’ === $original && ‘bbpress’ === … Read more
Plugins: Question and Answer Forum Plugin WP-Answers Plugin Themes: AskIt Instant Q&A
Great question, one that I want constantly asked myself. At this point I am aware of two potential options (if you ignore integrations with vBulletin, phpBB, etc.) If there are others I sure would like to know. Note the Pros and Cons are from my current understanding perspective only and certainly not a complete list: … Read more
Unity’s License of AnswersHub, the back-end that supports the answers.unity.com has expired. This has nothing to do with your personal/enterprise license of Unity or your Unity account. Once Unity renews their License of AnswersHub, we will be able to access it again.