Redirect old homepage to the new one within the same site

Ideally, the blog subdomain would point to a different filesystem location (its own document root), then you could use a simple Redirect directive in its own .htaccess file in the root of the subdomain. For example: Redirect 301 / The Redirect directive is prefix-matching and everything after the match is copied onto the end … Read more

.htaccess seems to be required but I can not find it

I would like to know why the AllowOverride directive change, which seems to be very much to do with enabling .htaccess files, solved the problem If there are no .htaccess files then adding AllowOverride All in the server config is not going to do anything. As you suggest, AllowOverride essentially enables .htaccess files to be … Read more

Home page returns 404

Delete all changes you have done on the .htaccess Make it clean and default to get it OK first, then do the customization. Also try deactivating all plugins and changing your theme to a new one, better get one from