Turn twitter-urls into list timelines?
If the feed from twitter is from a particular URL then it is possible to embed the profile tweeting. But apart from that it is literally impossible to do that.
If the feed from twitter is from a particular URL then it is possible to embed the profile tweeting. But apart from that it is literally impossible to do that.
Turns out it was just really Friday for me. Thanks to @eddiemoya and @matt-keys for their answers on this question. Their answer helped me a lot. After their explanation I revisited the WordPress documentation and it really wasn’t that hard to comprehend. The solution I user for my specific question was as follows: I created … Read more
PHP is synchronous language by design so it must wait for each line to be executed. If you call post request with 15s timeout you must wait untill webservice send response or 15s timeout limit. As I see in the core blocking parameter will not spawn process but simply do not parse response saving you … Read more
Your exact code would depend on how the HTTP notification is sent to your server and on the structure of the JSON, but the first building block is to listen for the incoming post request. There are lots of WP hooks that would be suitable. One is init, e.g.: add_action(‘init’, function() { $user=”the_correct_basic_auth_username”; $password = … Read more
Remove unwanted fields from WP API response
s is a reserved keyword, you cannot reuse the URL parameters and query variables used by WordPress itself. This issue is unrelated to the API request code. Because your form has an input with the name s, the request is interpreted as a search request. As no posts were found in the WordPress search, you … Read more
HTTP API CALLS issue on Woocommerce WordPress
Get the name WordPress default theme in the core
Instead of fetching the first page, then looping over the total pages count from a variable, instead store it as an option, and use a second value to specify next page. This way, you retrieve the next page number, fetch it, process the posts, then update the total pages options using the newer header from … Read more
Need help creating asynchronous data scraper in WordPress