Expression must be a modifiable lvalue

The assignment operator has lower precedence than &&, so your condition is equivalent to: But the left-hand side of this is an rvalue, namely the boolean resulting from the evaluation of the sub­expression match == 0 && k, so you cannot assign to it. By contrast, comparison has higher precedence, so match == 0 && k == m is … Read more

“If not” condition statement in python

if is the statement. not start is the expression, with not being a boolean operator. not returns True if the operand (start here) is considered false. Python considers all objects to be true, unless they are numeric zero, or an empty container, or the None object or the boolean False value. not returns False if start is a true value. See the Truth Value Testing section in the documentation. So if start is None, then indeed not start will be true. start can also be 0, or … Read more

How to write inline if statement for print?

Python does not have a trailing if statement. There are two kinds of if in Python: if statement: if condition: statement if condition: block if expression (introduced in Python 2.5) expression_if_true if condition else expression_if_false And note, that both print a and b = a are statements. Only the a part is an expression. So … Read more

&& (AND) and || (OR) in IF statements

No, it will not be evaluated. And this is very useful. For example, if you need to test whether a String is not null or empty, you can write: or, the other way around If we didn’t have ‘short-circuits’ in Java, we’d receive a lot of NullPointerExceptions in the above lines of code.

Pig Latin Translator

Here’s pig latin dialect that takes into account how the words are pronounced: Output “Pig qoph an egg.” → “igpay ophqay anway eggway.” “Quiet European rhythms.” → “ietquay uropeaneay ythmsrhay.” “My nth happy hour.” → “ymay nthway appyhay hourway.” “Herb unit — a dynasty heir.” → “herbway itunay — away ynastyday heirway.” Note: “-way” suffix … Read more