JQuery UI Autocomplete showing as bullets
JQuery UI Autocomplete showing as bullets
JQuery UI Autocomplete showing as bullets
Use admin_enqueue_scripts action instead of admin_head. Then see network tab in dev tools that datepicker scripts are included. You need the include the jQuery UI CSS also, it is not included in WP core.
Yes, both libraries are already bundled with wordpress.
Tom, thank you for the clue. Here’s what I eventually got to work. .select2-container { color: #000; –wp–preset–color–contrast: #000; }
Bad news first: We can’t fix your JS problem (at least as long as the errors come from the jQuery UI version shipped with core and not from your custom definitions). This is a WordPress core problem. When you look at the SVN trunk, especially the main (and only) PHP file in that folder, you … Read more
Auto complete is most likely not working on the extra fields because they are added with javascript dynamically, and when you make your javascript .autocomplete() call, it runs on page load. Your dynamically created fields do not exist yet to have autocomplete hooked with them. Try this. jQuery(document).on(“keydown”, “.post_email_repeatable”, function(){ jQuery(this).autocomplete({ source: “get_posts.php”, minLength: 1 … Read more
Have you tried enqueuing jquery ui tabs as well? wp_enqueue_script( ‘jquery-ui-tabs’ ); Then setting the element in your main javascript file? jQuery(‘#tabs’).tabs();
you have a $ undefined js error on line 191. wp_enqueue_script has a dependencies parameter, I think you need to pass the jquery-ui handle as a dependency with your accordion script so it loads first.
I’ve used jpaging before which is simple ,easy and highly customizable.
It’s sort of a longshot, but maybe try something like this: $(‘#button-setup-league’).click(function() { $( “#dialog p” ).html(‘<span>’+wpslm_v_script_vars.delete_league+'</span>’); $( “#dialog” ).dialog({ modal: true }); }); This, of course, requires “#dialog p” to be initially empty, or assumes that its contents can be replaced entirely. If not, maybe you can use the solution above but with a … Read more