how to create plugin single licence only [closed]

I do so, using an licence Server. The Plugin / The Theme sends an licence-code (md5 on the wordpress-url) each hour to that Server and check whether the licence-code is valid or not (also get some remote Settings, if you have multi-mode-licences (Basic, Standard, Extended) or so) and if it’s not valid, the plugin stops … Read more

Make a plugin work on specified domain only

You could use a combination of the file content and the domain to create a unique hash. Example: $md5 = md5( file_get_contents( __FILE__ ) . $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] ); if ( ‘be5d38f32a5d4a897e6c878f0c2f1b14’ !== $md5 ) deactivate_plugins( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); Additionally, you could check each week per remote request to your server, if the hash is registered … Read more

Does WordPress being under GPL actually necessitate that the tools created for it (plugins, themes) must also be under GPL? Is so, then why? [closed]

The official WP line is that if you want to share sell or distribute your plugin/theme, then the PHP code must be GPL compatible. This is because GPL is a copyleft licence. The WP project, maintainers, and governance follow the same interpretation of this that the FSF and others do, the same interpretation being used … Read more

Modify plugin and submit to directory

It depends on the license of the source plugin. In case you’ve downloaded that plugin from WordPress Plugins Directory, then you can modify and upload it as it inherits the GPLv2 license of WordPress itself or GPLv2-compatible license of the modified plugin. Here are some guidelines. Also, it’s polite to mention the original author (“Inspired … Read more