Co Authoring with different positions

I found a correct answer. I ended by adding custom fields (translators, reviewers …) with the ACF plugin. Example: Field Label: Translators Field Name: translators Field type: Relational (user) Field Type: multi-select .. However, this will make the table wp_postmeta very huge, as my website will contain a large number of posts.

Is there a way to display multiple authors on a post?

I am unfamiliar with the original. They may also have something similar to the new “Co-Authors Plus”. You would need to review that code for “apply_filters”, “add_actions” or just global functions like those in “Co-Authors Plus”. Meanwhile, you might investigate migrating to the new version of “Co-Authors Plus”. They offer a template tag, and pretty … Read more

co-authors plugin – inline listing

solved using for loop instead of foreach: function inl_users() { if ( function_exists( ‘get_coauthors’ ) ) { $coauthors = get_coauthors(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($coauthors); $i++){ $autArray[] = ‘<a href=” get_author_posts_url( $coauthors[$i]->ID ) .”>’ . $coauthors[$i]->display_name . ‘</a>’; } echo implode(“, “, $autArray); } does anoyone know why?

Find custom post type url by author

Query for post type listing_type and author ID within your loop: $args = array( ‘post_type’ => ‘listing_type’, ‘author’ => get_the_author_meta( ‘ID’ ) ); $listing_post = new WP_Query( $args ); if( $listing_post->have_posts() ){ while( $listing_post->have_posts() ){ $listing_post->the_post(); the_permalink(); } } // reset $post global to original value wp_reset_postdata();