How connection pooling can be implemented in WordPress?
How connection pooling can be implemented in WordPress?
How connection pooling can be implemented in WordPress?
How to properly prepare a column name if passed to a stored procedure?
This is what I wanted to achieve, I hope it helps somebody DELETE wp_posts FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_users ON wp_posts.post_author = wp_users.ID WHERE post_author = 1 AND post_date BETWEEN ‘2024-01-01 00:00:00’ AND ‘2024-03-28 23:59:59’;
Slow search queries with a large database
I think the problem is here {$wpdb->prefix}prflxtrflds_user_field_data It seems your {$wpdb->prefix} value is prflxtrflds So you can directly use : global $wpdb; $results = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}user_field_data WHERE id = 37” );`
Searching on Google for the mentioned query, I believe your assumption that it is coming from WordPress is correct. This ticket can be found at In my opinion, you should check what requests are coming to your website and block bad bots/users who are making multiple requests (based on that ticket, probably you have … Read more
Yes, I would suspect that your current solution may cause performance issues, if the number of comments gets high. To make the calculations a little easier for your site, you could handle them before hand based on the post ID. I.e get the post ID query all of the post’s comments’ IDs (WP_Comment_Query or custom … Read more
Drop this into a file in your plugin directory and you should be able to do this from your WP installation using a query string. /* Plugin Name: Delete Specific Post Description: Rid the post forever! Version: 0.1 Author: WPSE License: GPL2 */ add_filter(‘query_vars’, ‘delete_post_query_var’); function delete_post_query_var($vars){ $vars[] = ‘delete_post’; return $vars; } add_action(‘admin_init’, ‘manually_delete_post’, … Read more
Backup your database. Then Tools, Export from source site. Then switch to target site. Tools, Import. You may have to install the plugin (it will prompt you). Lots of googles/bings/ducks on how to do this.
WordPress install on new server not recognising MariaDB version