element.setAttribute is not a function

5 or this: Be sure to run the code after the element is created, or use jQuery code: “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘setAttribute’ of null” By: LazarusRising—in that case, the element doesn’t exist yet in the document. You need to run the code after the element is created, say after the load event or … Read more

Array of PHP Objects

The best place to find answers to general (and somewhat easy questions) such as this is to read up on PHP docs. Specifically in your case you can read more on objects. You can store stdObject and instantiated objects within an array. In fact, there is a process known as ‘hydration‘ which populates the member … Read more

Destroy an object in C#

Do nothing. Your reference (obj) will go out of scope. Then the Garbage Collector will come along and destroy your object. If there are (unmanaged) resources that need to be destroyed immediately, then implement the IDisposable interface and call Dispose in the finalize block. Or better, use the using statement. EDIT As suggested in the … Read more

How to remove all duplicates from an array of objects?

How about with some es6 magic? Reference URL A more generic solution would be: Using the above property strategy instead of JSON.stringify: You can add a wrapper if you want the propNames property to be either an array or a value: allowing both getUniqueItemsByProperties(‘a’) and getUniqueItemsByProperties([‘a’]); Stackblitz Example Explanation Start by understanding the two methods used: filter, findIndex Next take your idea of what … Read more