How to use the full page

In the theme you have choosen (twenty ten) – the main Container where you page / post is posted is the div: <div id=”content” role=”main”> <!– YOUR CONTENT IS PUBLISHED HERE –> </div> . This div has a maximum width of 640 pixels… if you want to change that you can do one of three … Read more

Setting a default parent page

This hooks onto the wp_insert_post_data filter, and checks if the post to be inserted is both a page and an auto-draft (which happens when you first create a new post/page). add_filter( ‘wp_insert_post_data’, ‘wpse_59007_set_default_page_parent’ ); function wpse_59007_set_default_page_parent( $data ) { if ( $data[‘post_status’] == ‘auto-draft’ && $data[‘post_type’] == ‘page’ ) $data[‘post_parent’] = 495; return $data; }

Force a specific template as default

Instead of setting yourtemplate.php as the default, why don’t you change the default template, and put the original default in yourtemplate.php? AKA swap them? Otherwise you’ll have to go back through all your posts and change them, and, mess around with complicated filters that might not work 100%

Change the default blog post post attribute template name from “default template” to something else

Yes, and one way is by accessing the global $post variable and then check if it’s for a post of the post type (or any custom post types). E.g. add_filter( ‘default_page_template_title’, function ( $label ) { global $post; if ( ‘post’ === get_post_type( $post ) ) { return __( ‘new default name for posts only’, … Read more

How can I limit page parent dropdown to show only author’s own pages?

From the source code the function wp_dropdown_pages uses get_pages() and this function uses different attributes than WP_Query or get_posts(). It uses authors instead of author. Note from the codex: authors (string) Only include the Pages written by the given author(s) Note: get_posts() uses the parameter ‘author’ instead of ‘authors’.