How to apply a patch via plugin?
How to apply a patch via plugin?
How to apply a patch via plugin?
I found the answer myself. I wasn’t creating the patch correctly. You have to use the “Create patch…” option in TortoiseSVN on the root folder, not the patched file itself.
You can download the diff file from the bottom of the diff page. The program to apply a diff is called “patch”. It’s widely available for various platforms. Example usages:
I really found this presentation from WCSF to be extremely helpful.
Try: or According to the documentation link above, the -1 flag tells Git how many commits should be included in the patch; -<n> Prepare patches from the topmost commits. Apply the patch with the command:
By default, patch ignores the directory portion of the target filename; it’s just looking for “httpd.conf” in your current working directory. If you want it to use the full path, you have to explicitly ask it to do so with the -p option: patch -p 0 < httpd.patch The number after -p is how many levels to remove from the filename … Read more
I have two local git repositories, both pointing to the same remote repository. In one git repository, if I do git format-patch 1, how can I apply that patch to the other repository?