When do we use wp_slash?

Correct, if you are duplicating a post in WordPress, you do not need to use wp_slash() to escape the data. The purpose of wp_slash() is to add slashes to the data to prepare it for storage in the database. When you are duplicating a post, you are not directly inserting or updating data in the … Read more

WordPress 4.8 – Can’t find variable: wp

Looks like you need to enqueue the editor scripts manually, after 4.8, using wp_enqueue_editor() in your theme/plugin: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2017/05/20/editor-api-changes-in-4-8/

WordPress auto update for core but use local package

A list of options, easier ones first. Run WordPress as a multisite network, you can find instructions here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network Manually apply changes via .zip file and overwriting. Download latest zip from wordpress.org Make a backup of your file base per install Unpack the zip files then overwrite files in wp-admin and wp-includes. Overwrite root files … Read more

Using native wp image support instead of timthumb

In your theme you need to add_theme_support(‘post-thumbnails’); and then set up some add_image_size(); By doing this in your themes functions file you’ll get have support for the built in Feature images and any image sizes you set up images will be generated in the correct size. For more information on setting up images sizes the … Read more