What do ++ and *+ mean?

++ From What is double plus in regular expressions? That’s a Possessive Quantifier. It basically means that if the regex engine fails matching later, it will not go back and try to undo the matches it made here. In most cases, it allows the engine to fail much faster, and can give you some control … Read more

Visual list of all installed fonts with respective pangram phrase?

“Open the Fonts dialog (Windows->Dockable Dialogs->Fonts) Right click any font in the list Choose ‘Render Font Map’ In the dialog that appears, leaving the ‘Filter (regexp)’ blank will list all your installed Fonts.” Source: http://gimpforums.com/thread-font-examples This forum thread clearly lists the steps for rendering a sample of each font in your GIMP library. I hope that this … Read more

What is a slug?

A slug is a part of the URL when you are accessing a resource. Say you have a URL, such as the one below, that displays all of the cars in your system: When you would want to reference a particular car in your system, you would provide the following URL: Notice how the URL … Read more

How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube API?

Each YouTube video has four generated images. They are predictably formatted as follows: The first one in the list is a full size image and others are thumbnail images. The default thumbnail image (i.e., one of 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg) is: For the high quality version of the thumbnail use a URL similar to this: There is also a … Read more