How do I set a hidden field to a value?
How do I set a hidden field to a value?
How do I set a hidden field to a value?
imporing HTML+javascript from REST API
You never initialize the value in $url. Test the value in $swapcategory. When there is no match, $url is empty and that may be the problem. This comment is false: // $url now contains our new success page. Let’s update the form setting. It should say: // $url may contain our new success page or … Read more
Try deactivating plugins one by one and you’ll findout which plugin is conflicting with your ajax call. Then we can debug error easily . But I am sure this is because of plugin conflict You just need to check which one is it.
The data is stored in the wp_posts and wp_postmeta tables. You can see all the field values by doing this: SELECT website from (SELECT m1.meta_value as user_firstname, m2.meta_value as user_lastname, m3.meta_value as website FROM dev_posts join dev_postmeta m1 on m1.post_id = ID and m1.meta_key = ‘_field_1’ join dev_postmeta m2 on m2.post_id = ID and m2.meta_key … Read more
What are you trying to accomplish? You are assigning the value at the wrong place. It should be: jQuery(function($){ var value = $(“#field-id option:selected”).val(); console.log(value); //And then here use the value });
So, the way I’ve ended up doing this is as follows. It’s probably not the optimal way but I can’t find a way to change the submission data during the submission workflow (the redirect action always seems to read the original entered data). Basically, the key hook is ninja_forms_run_action_settings where you can filter $action_settings which … Read more
It looks like you can use the ninja_forms_display_init action to populate a field. To get the job ID from the URL you mentioned above you can use the $_GET array. Adapting the code from that documentation page, something like this should achieve what you’re looking for: function wpse_158000_populate_field($form_id) { global $ninja_forms_loading; $job_id_field = 3; //put … Read more
Run the Shortcode through do_shortcode and check what the output contains. $shortcode_content = do_shortcode( ‘[ninja_forms_field id=84]’ );
How to integrate a form (Ninja Form or Contact Form 7) with Custom Post Types?