What is the correct way that when creating a custom post type assign values to custom fields created with pods framework?

I have managed to solve using the add_post_meta function instead of the meta_input property of the $postarr argument of the wp_insert_post function, as follows Instead of this $entry = [ “post_title” => “Some post title”, “post_content” => “Some post content”, “post_type” => “name_of_custom_post_type”, “post_status” => “publish”, “meta_input” => [ “some_meta_key” => “Some value”, “another_meta_key” => … Read more

Register PODS Custom Field with WPGraphQL [closed]

This WPGraphQL recipe covers how to set up a new field using register_graphql_field() (function doc) but it doesn’t have any examples on how to pass in image/file fields. If I were doing this for a quick project, I would just output the information I needed without getting too complicated/deep into the API. But as it … Read more

How do I add a menu item to a Pods admin menu?

To add submenu items to a specific Pod’s menu, try this: add_submenu_page( ‘pods-manage-your_pod_name’, ‘My submenu item page title’, ‘My submenu item’, ‘manage_options’, ‘pods-manage-your_pod_name-my-submenu-item’, ‘your_callback_function’ ); Do this during the admin_menu action in WordPress, or alternatively do it during the ‘pods_admin_menu’ action.