Package name does not correspond to the file path – IntelliJ

Judging from the directory structure, you have two packages client and server, but the code expects packages badugi.client and badugi.server. Here is a way to fix it: Position your cursor to the underlined package statement (package badugi.server) Hit ALT + ENTER Select option Move to package badugi.server. This will automatically fix your directory structure to match the declared package … Read more

What is the best project structure for a Python application?

Doesn’t too much matter. Whatever makes you happy will work. There aren’t a lot of silly rules because Python projects can be simple. /scripts or /bin for that kind of command-line interface stuff /tests for your tests /lib for your C-language libraries /doc for most documentation /apidoc for the Epydoc-generated API docs. And the top-level directory can contain README’s, Config’s and whatnot. … Read more