Shuffle a deck of cards in Java
Simply use a new array for the shuffled cards and fill it using random cards removed from the prior array. Or just use Collections.shuffle():
Random shuffling of an array
Using Collections to shuffle an array of primitive types is a bit of an overkill… It is simple enough to implement the function yourself, using for example the Fisher–Yates shuffle:
How to shuffle a std::vector?
From C++11 onwards, you should prefer: Live example on Coliru Make sure to reuse the same instance of rng throughout multiple calls to std::shuffle if you intend to generate different permutations every time! Moreover, if you want your program to create different sequences of shuffles each time it is run, you can seed the constructor of the random engine … Read more
How to randomize (shuffle) a JavaScript array?
The de-facto unbiased shuffle algorithm is the Fisher-Yates (aka Knuth) Shuffle. See You can see a great visualization here (and the original post linked to this)
Shuffle DataFrame rows
The idiomatic way to do this with Pandas is to use the .sample method of your dataframe to sample all rows without replacement: The frac keyword argument specifies the fraction of rows to return in the random sample, so frac=1 means return all rows (in random order). Note: If you wish to shuffle your dataframe in-place and reset the index, you could … Read more