Date in the URL with The Events Calendar

You could just try to change the slug to the value you need for each event. The problem arises if you have the same event twice (or more) in the same month though. You will need to create a new title for the event. you can try this plug-in: It might help you with … Read more

Modern Tribe Calendar wp-query with meta query not working at all

What I would do is create a query for the _EventStartDate with a custom ‘eventDisplay’. This will grab all events, ordered by the start date. Then, once you get into the loop; compare the start date to a specific date that you want to output. tribe_get_start_date() accepts a date format parameter (see here) that will … Read more

I use the events Calendar Plugin and I want to change some words

The “Now onwards” string is translated with _x() which is different than __() because it allows context to be added to the string being translated. Because there is context, you need to use gettext_with_context instead of gettext. Here’s a simple example based on the one in the Code Reference: function example_gettext_with_context( $translated, $text ) … Read more

Modify custom post type rewrite rules in a separate function

Yes, I believe you can. Paste this code into your theme’s functions.php file: function change_tribe_events_rewrite_rules() { global $wp_post_types; $rewrite = &$wp_post_types[‘tribe_events’]->rewrite; $rewrite[‘slug’] = ‘event/%lugares%’; } add_action( ‘init’, ‘change_tribe_events_rewrite_rules’, 999 );

How to share category taxonomy with custom post type (The Event Calendar plugin)

You can use register_taxonomy_for_object_type() to use a taxonomy with a post type, without having to touch the post type registration code, example: function wpa_categories_for_events(){ register_taxonomy_for_object_type( ‘category’, ‘tribe_events’ ); } add_action( ‘init’, ‘wpa_categories_for_events’ ); To have events appear on the category pages, I believe you have to modify the default category queries via pre_get_posts to add … Read more