Twenty Fifteen: Adjacent posts by menu_order [duplicate]

EDIT According to the OP, this question/answers solved the issue ORIGINAL ANSWER the_post_navigation(), right down to its very core, uses get_adjacent_post() to return and display the next and previous post to the currently viewed post. By default, these adjacent posts are returned by post date. We can alter that by filtering the relevant ORDERBY clause … Read more

Cutomize Colors utility: How to add more configurable colors to a theme

So I wrote down the whole process of how I found the answer myself, hope it’s useful to someone (assumes basic unix and programming skills). Finding where the current color options are defined: grep -ir ‘Header and Sidebar Text Color’ . ./wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/inc/customizer.php: // Add custom header and sidebar text color setting and control. ./wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/inc/customizer.php: ‘label’ … Read more

Theme Twenty Fifteen: Customize Color Scheme Customizer

It seems that you are modifying directly the twentyfifteen_get_color_schemes() function on parent theme or redeclaring it on your child theme. You should avoid both cases. In the original code from twenty fifteen can see this: apply_filters( ‘twentyfifteen_color_schemes’, array(…..) ); That means that you can create a filter to add extra color schemes in this way: … Read more

How can you change default color scheme in a Twenty Fifteen child theme?

I would expect that if you add a new filter with a higher priority it gets added to the existing color schemes: add_filter( ‘twentyfifteen_color_schemes’, ‘wpse193782_custom_color_schemes’, 99 ); function wpse193782_custom_color_schemes( $schemes ) { $schemes[‘default’] = array( ‘label’ => __( ‘Colors by Kat’, ‘twentyfifteen’ ), ‘colors’ => array( ‘#f1f1f1’, ‘#C32148’, ‘#ffffff’, ‘#333333’, ‘#333333’, ‘#f7f7f7’, ), ); return … Read more

Create a full width responsive header image per page

John there are lots of ways to do this, depending on what you want exactly and how much experience you have with html/php/css (or how much time you’d want to spend learning). There are plenty of plugins on wordpress that could achieve this. You might want to just try some of them out: If … Read more